Home From Hospital Support
Returning home from hospital following a stay because of an operation, illness or injury can be a worrying time. Having support at home can help you to recover your independence more quickly than attempting this on your own. Taking the option of home support when you first arrive home from hospital enables you time to recover without taking on too much too soon.
We believe that individuals recover more quickly and have greater peace of mind when back in their familiar surroundings alongside loved ones, friends, pets and shared memories. Having appropriate support in place for when you leave hospital can provide for an earlier discharge from hospital and prevent the need for an alternative recovery setting.
Your recovery plan is put together by our experienced staff listening to your thoughts and preferences and taking into consideration the priorities most important for you. This plan is reviewed regularly with you so that it mirrors the right level of support for you as you recover.
As your strength and resilience return, your support needs are reduced so that you regain your independence and confidence quicker and the risk of relapse is significantly reduced. The greatest achievement for our staff, in working with you, is to continually reduce your need for their support you until you no longer need their assistance.